This page consist of various apprenticeship programs. Please take time to research the apprenticeship programs and how it relates to your labor market and geographic region
Listed below are the eight (6) eligibility requirements:
1 Completed 180 days on active duty
2 Discharge from active duty Honorable/ or General (under honorable conditions)
3 Finish the program while on active duty
4 Completed Transition Readiness Seminar (TRS) 180 days prior to separation
5 Have attended a DOD approved Ethics Training within the last 12 months
6 Receive command approval prior to attending a Marine Corps Skillbridge Program
Allowed participation in 1 course only (This would be your first skills course, meaning you have not previously completed, are currently participating in, or had participation terminated from another SDP course. To apply, you must want employment and be available to be hired and working within 30-90 days after the end of the course.
If you meet the above eligibility requirements, download and complete the Applicant Intake Sheet attached below.
Below you will find a list of available training opportunities to research and decide which will work for your future career goals. An application packet will be emailed, which must be complete and submitted to the CRO 3 weeks prior to the course or training start date.